a free and open toolkit for 2d/3d seismic data analysis

kogeo seismic toolkit

Phone (home): +49 - 40 - 2780 7890

Phone (office): +49 - 40 - 42838 5234

Fax: +49 - 40 - 42838 7081

E-Mail: konerding@geowiss.uni-hamburg.de




On the left you can find a brief overview of kogeo‘s main features. By following the links or clicking on the icons, you can find at least a little bit of documentation.

There’s also a section about the kogeo user interface you might find useful.

Further questions? Mail me!

Import/export/transform 2d/3d SEG-Y, SU or even bitmap data (images) in various sub-formats.

Organize data in projects, to have them easily accessible for editing and interpretation.

View your data in 3d or use kogeos volume rendering capability to look through your 3d datasets.

Import/export/transform (project, un-project, re-project) navigation data in trace headers or files.

Data editing is possible in many ways using kogeo, from simple filters to multi-trace or neural network attributes.

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